Looking through the Web

by Bentley Davis
Looking through the Web
Bentley Davis
Mixed Media - Digitally Painted Photograph
An eye peers through layers of colored lines in this surreal work.
To create it, I first made a piece of colorful lines and then added a photograph taken by me of an eye. While the interpretation is up to the viewer, I see it as one being shocked at the number of conspiracy theories one can see on the web.
December 4th, 2020
Comments (55)

Gary F Richards
Funny! Spectacular capture, edit and title! F/L … voted for this piece in the APRIL FOOL PHOTO SHOPPED IMAGE - HAVE FUN contest!

Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your fantastic art has been featured on the Home Page of the ABC GROUP from the Z IS FOR ZINGERS (art which features surprise, unusual, unexpected, themed week, December 14, 2020- DECEMBER 20. 2020! You are invited to add your wonderful art of multiples to the Features Archive Discussion in the ABC GROUP.

Robert Tubesing
Bentley: I know I have commented on this once already, but felt the need to write to you again, and repeat my enthusiasm about it. If you have a top five group, lease consider this for a group like that, and promote the dickens out of it. In my opinion, it is very special, and should be entered in contests, and offered in a gallery or galleries, too.